
Процедура тестов 'Поведение отчаяния' по Porsolt и 'Вынужденное плавание'

Протоколы тестирования

Porsolt R.D., Pichon M.Le., Jalfre M. Depression: a new animal model sensitive to antidepressant treatment. / Nature, 1977, v. 266, pp 730-732.

Porsolt R.D., Anton G., Blavet N., Jalfre M. Behavioural despair in rats: a new model sensitive to antidepressant treatment. / European Journal of Pharmacology, 1978, v. 47, pp 379-391.

Porsolt RD, Bertin A. Behavioral despair in mice: A primary screening test for antidepressants. / Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 1977, v. 229, pp 327-336.

Commons, K. G., Cholanians, A. B., Babb, J. A., & Ehlinger, D. G. (2017). The Rodent Forced Swim Test Measures Stress-Coping Strategy, Not Depression-like Behavior. ACS chemical neuroscience, 8(5), 955-960.